Monday 30 June 2014 12:59 to 14:25
(1:25 hours)
I was going to sleep in the back room, but Yu Lee had left a pile of clothes on the sofa, so I decided to sleep in my bed.
I got undressed and into my bed, and set an alarm for 2:40pm, so that I would have enough time for a cup of tea before my piano lesson at 3:00pm. I woke up 20 minutes early from a dream, and managed a quick shower before my lesson.

Posh Restaurant
I don't remember the full narrative of this dream, but I remember some parts of it vividly.
We are in Cambridge. I'm with Yu Lee and quite a few other members of her family. We decide to eat in a restaurant that we have never tried before, and we enter into an entrance hall where an Indian looking man is sitting on a chair by himself. A member of staff leads us through from the hallway into a kind of waiting room, where we sit on chairs and wait to be allowed into the main part of the restaurant.
In the waiting room is another guy who seems to be sleeping on a chair. As we enter the room some existing guests are told to "come through into the dining room."
I don't remember everything that happened while we were waiting, but I remember at some point Yu Lee's dad had some food, and he was trying to be funny, eating it in a disgusting and exaggerated way, shovelling it into his mouth and sucking the food off of his fingers afterwards. I looked at Yu Lee's brother and he was horrified and embarrassed of his dad's showing off.
At some point, the member of staff who showed us in says "Sir, would you like to come through to the dining room," to the man who was asleep on the chair. He got up and so did the Indian guy from the hallway and they went to their table. I remember thinking "Ah, so they were together." I also remember thinking that maybe only one set of people are ever eating at a time, and that is why we are waiting so long.
I also remember eating a big bag of sweets. I knew I would have to eat soon, but they were so juicy and tasty and I was so hungry, and as I was eating them I could feel my mouth filling up with saliva and sugary fruit flavour.
The next part was really just my mind wandering. I was thinking about the restaurant, and the guy that owned it. I was wondering if he was as pompous as the waiting staff, and if he wore a suit. Then I heard music and could see it being performed, and then I was wondering who wrote the music, and it came to my mind that I thought it was the same guy that owned the restaurant, and was half surprised when I found out that it was.
As I said, my mind was just wandering over a series of related thoughts and images.
At that point I faded back into my waking body, and the first thing I remember doing was having to drink the mouthful of saliva that had accumulated in my mouth! Yum!