Monday 16 June 2014 12:42 to 14:19
(1:36 hours)
I went for a nap on the sofa in the back room, as usual. It took me a little while to fall asleep, but I had a good nap once I'd drifted off.

Programming / School
This dream contained a weird mix of work and school.
We are in a classroom, but we are also at work. I'm with a classroom full of programmers and we are all learning something and have to take exams. The weird thing is that most of the other people in the class are female, and if you've ever worked as a programmer you will realise that there are not many female programmers!
Most of the people in the class are people that I've never seen before, but I have been working with one of the girls in the class. I'm totally bored with what the teacher is saying, and I just want to get on with my work. I look for the girl that I was working with but I can't remember which one she is, but I think it is one of the girls on the desk next to me.
I lean over to speak to them and to ask if they are working on my project, but they are paying too much attention to the teacher to notice me. Then one of them asks the teacher a question. She starts "I know I've probably lost my bonus already, but..." and implies that if we don't pass the exams we don't get a bonus. The teacher (who I think is also our manager) answers saying that no one is going to lose their bonus, but we all know that we won't get the bonus if we fail.
Several times in the dream I tried to talk to the girls about the project but couldn't find them or got interrupted. I felt frustrated.