Sunday 15 June 2014 23:28 to 03:30
(4:02 hours)
I didn't fall asleep instantly, but it didn't take me too long to fall asleep.
I woke up really early in the night, probably between 1:00 and 2:00 from a dream which I no longer remember. I was only awake for a couple of minutes and went back to sleep.
This time I slept through until 3:30am when I woke up from a dream feeling hot, thirsty and with a full bladder...

Summer Heat
I am sitting outside. It seems kind of like the front garden of a house, but I think there are a lot of people around. It's very warm and sticky.
I decide to go for a walk around the block, and as I'm walking around I become aware of a radio broadcast. The radio says that the summer heat is causing an increase in violence and lots of people are being arrested for fighting.
As I walk around, I suddenly have violent thoughts and feel like I want to fight someone. Shortly afterwards I come to another outside area with lots of people sitting there, and they are arranged into two groups and I know that they are organising a fight. Although they haven't started fighting yet, the two groups are hanging around and preparing, and everyone looks pretty tough. I decide that I don't really want to fight anyone and go back to the place I was previously.
Some time passes, and I don't remember exactly what happens, but the next thing I know one of my friends is being followed by a couple of guys. The guys are big and strong and seem to be pretty hard, and although my friend is bigger than me I don't think he can take them on on his own.
As they are following him I move in and kick one of them in the legs. The guy flinches and my friend moves away and opens up some distance, but one of the other guys is still chasing him. I do the same to that guy, suddenly lunging out of the crowd and kicking him, then trying to slip away before he can notice me properly.
I do this a few more times, thinking "this is surprisingly easy", but eventually the guys figure out what I'm doing and come for me instead. When they get to me they beat me to the floor.
At this point I woke up feeling extremely hot.