Sunday 08 June 2014 23:21 to 04:45
(5:23 hours)
Last night we went to bed relatively early. Considering I didn't have a nap I actually felt pretty good all day, but by 11:00 I was tired and ready to go to bed.
As usual, it took us a little while to clean teeth and get to bed, but once we settled down I fell asleep quickly. I woke up naturally from a dream at about 4:30, and then dozed for a little while whilst trying to remember the details of my dream.
It's a little bit earlier than usual, but I didn't want to fall back asleep and then sleep in until 8:00am again. We have an appointment at the registry office at 9:00am, so although I could have easily gone back to sleep I decided to get up.

On Holiday with Friends
Some bits of this dream are quite vague and hazy. I can remember bits and pieces from the dream, but there are a lot of things that I no longer remember and I'm unsure of the order.
I'm on holiday somewhere with a group of people. There is something weird going on with the toilets, and I think there is no toilet paper anywhere and we have to use our socks instead! I ran out of socks to use, but one of my friends told me that he didn't need his and that I could have them.
We go to the toilets, and the lights are out and it is dark inside. The toilets are massive, and there are a lot of stalls. I go into one, and try to go in the dark, but the toilet is filthy and without being able to see what I'm doing I keep thinking I'm going to touch something horrible.
I come back out of the cubicle and my friend arrives in the toilet block. I explain to him how the lights don't work, and I demonstrate but flicking the switch back and forth a few times, showing that they don't come on. He plays with the switch and says "Look, they do work. You just need to leave them for a few seconds." He flicks the switch, and sure enough, after a couple of seconds the lights flicker and turn on.
I do what I need to do and leave the toilet block.
Walking Outside in the Sun
The next part I remember is walking outside in the sunshine. We are in a grassy area and the weather is stunning.
We are hanging around for a while, when a woman approaches us and starts talking to a female member of the group. I don't catch the whole conversation, but it sounds like she is asking for directions, and my friend takes quite a while to explain it to her.
Once they are done talking we move on to another area, and bump into the same woman again. She approaches my friend again, saying something like "I need a green ???" and I remember thinking that her attitude seems very rude and demanding. They seem to have the same conversation again, and after a few minutes we move on. My friend seems to be annoyed at having to speak to this woman again.
We are in another area, in some kind of structure, that resembles a hut or a climbing frame. We see the same woman walking towards us again. My friend says something like "Oh no! Not her again" and we start joking about ways that she can avoid this awful woman. I say she should pretend to be deaf and start doing pretend sign language to my friend.
The Board Walk
The last part of the dream that I remember is at night, and we are walking along a board walk on the edge of some water. There are many pubs, clubs and restaurants off of the board walk.
As we are walking along, we walk past quite a few people that seem to be a bit dodgy. I think we may have interacted with some of them, but each time we were quite glad to get away from them.
We walk past a club or restaurant, and there are a couple of men outside trying to convince people to come in. One of the guys asks us how long we are going to be at this location, and he seems to be trying to book us to come back another day to his club. We tell him that it is our last day and we need to go home tomorrow.
He starts telling us how you can't just turn up at his club, and that you need to book in advance. He says "I don't want just anyone turning up, or people turning up unexpected. I could be having a good time if you know what I mean, and my boyfriend could turn up, and I wouldn't want that, would I?"
I remember thinking that the guy seemed like an arsehole.
We move on down the board walk, and a group of really dodgy looking people push past us in the direction we're going. When we get a bit further along, another group of dodgy people are behind us, and the same group that pushed past are heading back towards us in the other direction. It becomes clear that the two groups have some kind of dispute and are going to fight, and we try to get out of the way. "Oh no, it doesn't work like that" says one of the guys. "If we're going to have a battle you're going to be right in the middle of it too."
He raised is fist and I could tell it was all going to kick off, and then I woke up.