Tuesday 27 May 2014 23:57 to 05:28
(5:31 hours)
Last night it took me about half an hour to fall asleep. I went to bed a little while before I was ready to because Yu Lee wanted me to come to bed.
When I did fall asleep, I slept through until 5:00am when I woke up naturally. I thought about getting up, but obviously decided not to because the next thing I knew it was 5:30am and I'd just woken up again. I still could have slept for longer but decided to get up this time.

I only remember a few bits and pieces from this dream.
In one part of my dream, we were at a house party. I think it was Mike's house (Mike is from my school) because I seem to remember his mum telling me not to turn the heating up. Mike wasn't in the dream however.
I remember that it was the evening and everyone was starting to go to sleep. There were people laying around everywhere, either sleeping or talking quietly, and it was getting really hot so I turned the temperature down on the thermostat.
A while later, the heating was making weird noises. I moved close to an air vent and there was cold air coming out of it. I realised that there were two heating systems in the house, and one of them was heating the air while the other one was cooling it.
I turned off the heating and the noise stopped.
The other bits of the dream that I remember were extremely vague and I don't remember the order of them. The theme of the dream was still a party, but this time it was in a hall instead of someone's house and there were a lot of people there.
At one point, I was walking around with Yu Lee and she realised she hadn't taken her antihistamine. There was a long queue of people queuing up for something, and she walked up and joined the queue near the front. I told her she shouldn't push in, but she said it was ok as she was only getting her antihistamine.
In another part of the dream, I arrived at a table where Yu Lee and her sister were sitting. When I got there Yu Lee said that they'd made a special cake for me, and that it was made out of truffles (the chocolate kind, not the mushroom). I told them that I wasn't going to eat cake on an empty stomach, and that I needed to eat my dinner first, which made them look a bit disappointed.