Sleep Log

Friday 23 May 2014 23:34 to 05:54

(6:19 hours)

I felt a little bit grouchy yesterday afternoon, which normally means I'm tired, but after dinner I perked up a bit and was fine.

I went to bed around 11:30pm, and I'm not sure how long it took me to fall asleep. I definitely looked at the clock at 12:30am, but I remember thinking that it didn't feel like I'd been there that long so I must have been asleep already.

This morning I woke up and looked at the clock at 4:50am, but then I went back to sleep for another hour. I woke from a dream just before 6:00am, and now I feel like I've had a little too much sleep.

dream Dream: Saturday 24 May 2014 05:54


Tags: Bob

I don't remember a great deal of detail of this dream, but I'm pretty sure that my little brother and his friends had accidentally killed someone, and I helped them dispose of the body. They were panicking, but I helped them cut the body up into pieces and put it in air tight containers, inside plastic bags, and I'm pretty sure I hid it in Cambridge Science Park.

The other part of my dream that I remember is talking to them and saying "If I have to move out of my house I will buy my own house in Maidenhead." I don't remember the context of this at all.