Friday 23 May 2014 00:20 to 05:42
(5:21 hours)
Last night I went to the beer festival with Carlos (from WorldPay). We got there at 7:00pm and left around 10:00pm. We had a good chat, I got a chance to practice my Spanish, and it was really good to see him.
I got back home and chatted with Yu Lee and drank plenty of Red Bush and water and went to bed.
I woke up several times in the night, and one time I could remember a dream but I had already woken up a couple of times and couldn't be bothered to write it down. It was Yu Lee talking in her sleep that woke me up. She sounded a bit distressed and started with "Oh no, look at ???", but then went on to talk about mangos so it can't have been that bad!
I think I'd woken up twice by 2:30am when I got up to use the bathroom, then woke up to Yu Lee's weird sleep talking, then woke up again around 4:10am, and finally woke up at 5:40am and got up.

Walking Somewhere with my School / Work Mates
This dream took place in a mixture of work and school. There were some people that I went to school with, and people from Jagex where I worked years ago.
The first part that I properly remember was being outside with a big group of people. We were all walking somewhere, and the Italian girl that worked at Jagex (who I saw in real life a couple of days ago and said hello to me) was pushing a pram. She kept budging people out of the way and trying to squeeze past them.
I turned to the person next to me and said this was about the fourth time today that I'd seen her budging past people, and that I didn't understand why she didn't just ask them to move. Then I shouted "Excuse me guys" to the people that were in her way, and they all moved out of the way for her and she thanked me.
Later we were near our destination, and this time there were a lot less people. I was with my friend Brad from school. Some other people that I didn't know started to approach us and were intimidating us. The main person doing this had short hair and a white t-shirt, and I had the feeling that he was quite hard.
After a short while he got closer to us, and I turned to Brad who just said "run". We started to run and the guy who was following us was right behind me now, and I think he tried to kick me but one of my Jagex friends blocked the kick with his foot (I think it was Mark S and I think he was wearing leather sandals).
We continued to run, and the guy in the white t-shirt got a bit close again so I pulled a tape measure out of my pocket and threw it at his head which made him stumble and bought me some more time. He approached again, and swung for me again, and Mark blocked it again.
After this we made it to the building and they ran off.
I also remember a couple of fragments:
- I remember being in a meeting room and humming the guitar part for "The Four Horsemen" by Metallica.
- I remember something to do with a new nintendo console that came in multiple parts, and was like a weird arcade machine with loads of accessories.