Thursday 13 February 2014 23:30 to 05:00
(5:30 hours)
Last night I fell asleep quickly, and this morning I had some weird dreams.
I woke up naturally after my first dream at 4:30am but went back to sleep, and then when my alarm went off I was dreaming that a competitor to one of my freelance clients had just been floated on the stock exchange!
I could have easily slept longer this morning...

Nasty Smell
This was the first of two dreams that I remember last night.
Me and Yu Lee were living in some kind of housing complex. The toilets had stopped working and everyone was throwing their waste out into a shared garden area.
I was running really late for work and I went outside to get my bicycle (I haven't cycled for years). There was a nasty smell so Yu Lee opened the gate to let the air circulate and then realised it was other people's toilet waste that they'd been chucking outside and the smell was on the other side of the gate.
Then when we were cycling I realised I'd forgotten my laptop, and Yu Lee said "don't worry about it", but I thought "How can I work without my computer?"

Stock Exchange
When my alarm went off I was dreaming that a competitor to one of my freelance clients had just been floated on the stock exchange!