Sleep Log

Sunday 24 November 2013 00:04 to 05:00

(4:56 hours)

Last night I was pretty tired from the ice skating, but when I went to bed it took me what felt like quite a while to fall asleep. Normally I say that I was in bed for a long time but it went quickly, but this was the opposite and it felt like much longer than it actually was.

Last night, before we left London I had an extra cup of tea to usual (at about 8:30pm) because I was feeling a little bit tired and I needed to drive home. I'm pretty sure this is why it felt like I was laying in bed for a while, and it felt exactly like the insomnia I used to get when I was younger.

I looked at the clock at about 2:00am too, but I had been asleep already then.

This morning, when the alarm went off, I was sleeping very deeply and having a weird dream, and it took me a while to register that the alarm was going off and I needed to get up and turn it off.

I felt like I could have slept a lot longer.

Horse Tea
dream Dream: Sunday 24 November 2013 05:00

Horse Tea

Tags: Carlos Dad

The main thing I remember about my dream was being at work and talking to Carlos. We were talking in Spanish, and he was asking whether my tea was good or not. I told him that it wasn't very nice and that it didn't have a lot of flavour, because it probably came from an old horse! Then my dad called and I went to pick it up, and the dream ended and my alarm was going off.