Sleep Log

Tuesday 29 October 2013 23:41 to 05:00

(5:18 hours)

Last night it took me a little while to fall asleep. I'm not sure if it was because I was playing computer games right up until bed time, or if it was just because it was too cold (I actually got up and put pyjamas on). After about 25 minutes I fell asleep.

I slept right through until my alarm and I was dreaming when I woke up.

House Share
dream Dream: Wednesday 30 October 2013 05:00

House Share

Tags: Yu Lee

Part of my dream included renting out a room with Yu Lee. We had just bought this house in our dream, but for some reason we wanted to rent out a room as well. The house we'd chosen had a family living there with loads of children.

I remember there were loads of kids in our room and I wanted to go for a nap, but Yu Lee wouldn't help get rid of them. In the end we got all but one of them to leave and the remaining one was being quiet so we let him stay.

In other parts of my dream, the girl living there had paid for a monument to be erected in a park with hundreds of other monuments all right next to each other, but it was fenced off and I wanted to see it so I was climbing the fence.

At the end of my dream I was making a cup of red bush tea and I left it to stew for too long and it turned into something that looked a lot like porridge!