Friday 21 September 2012 23:26 to 05:32
(6:06 hours)
Last night I went out for a curry with my friends, and had 1 pint of beer with my dinner. When we got home we had a few hours before bed, but my stomach still felt quite full. I was pretty tired so I went to bed at 11:30pm.
This morning was the first morning in ages that required some willpower to get out of bed! Maybe my quality of sleep wasn't as good as usual because I felt quite tired when I woke up. I feel pretty good now though.
When I woke up I think I was dreaming. I dreamt that it was 4:30am and I couldn't sleep! I was very surprised when my alarm went off and it was actually 5:30 and time to get up.

Dreaming of Not Being Able to Sleep
I dreamt that it was 4:30am and I couldn't sleep! I was very surprised when my alarm went off and it was actually 5:30 and time to get up.