Friday 14 February 2025 02:56 to 10:21
(7:24 hours)
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The Dodgy Visitor
I am in a large building in the middle of nowhere. It's some kind of business, like a warehouse or a place where you'd sell cars.
A man comes to visit us; he is going to buy something from us. He seems really dodgy: he is scruffy and seems like a criminal. He talks to me, and I get this idea that he is going to try and scam me or steal something. He does take something—I can't remember what—and he goes to get back in his car and drive off.
Yu Lee has taken a fuse out of his car, so it doesn't start. The man gets angry and is very annoyed that I have stopped him from getting away when he was trying to steal from me. I look in his car, and he has this set of clothes and some shoes all covered in mud, and I don't know why but it looks really suspicious. I somehow draw the conclusion that something awful has happened.
I can't remember how I found out, and it doesn't make perfect sense, but it turns out that he was going to wear these clothes when he tried to kill his wife by running over her.
The last scene of the dream goes really weird. It's like suddenly we're not there anymore, and it's kind of zoomed out with loud music playing, like it's part of a movie. The guy is on the floor, and his head is pinned between some rocks. A car drives over him with the wheels going directly over his head.