Lucid 3 Times
Lucid Dream (L4)I fell asleep quickly but had a really disturbed sleep, drifting in and out. I had a lucid dream where I realised I was dreaming and flew like superman, but it faded out quickly and I was back in my bed, half asleep again.
Then I drifted into another lucid dream, and this time it was longer lasting. I went into the street and knocked on a random door, but then I thought "What if I'm not really dreaming?" I decided to let whoever answered lead the conversation.
I said "hello" when a girl answered, and I asked if I was disturbing her. She said "no", and then after a short silence asked "Do you want to come in?". I said yes, and then she made a comment about how her baby is sleeping and she seemed to be a bit annoyed.
Once inside she was nice and calm again, and wearing the kind of mask you would wear to a masked ball. She lifted her mask and was older than I'd imagined, but was still very attractive. She kissed me once on the lips and the dream faded away and I woke up.
This time I woke up on the bedroom floor. I looked up, and realised Yu Lee had come into the room with me. I felt something in my ears, and rolled over to find that there were 2 cotton buds in each of my ears! Then I realised the ceiling was the ceiling from the second bedroom in our old house, and there were cobwebs everywhere and a sinister looking doll's head hanging from the ceiling. I became lucid for a 3rd time, but then panicked and though that I would never be able to properly wake up and would be stuck in the dream world forever!
At that moment I woke up for real and just over an hour had passed since I went to bed. I realised I'd been asleep the whole time and had a series of false awakenings.
I vividly remember that several times through the whole episode the dream had started to fade to a light grey colour, but I had just about managed to get it back by moving and being active.
I also realised afterwards that the sensation of the ear plugs in my ears in real life is what caused me to dream of the cotton buds in my false awakening. This means that I was probably waking up and regaining my sense of touch, but my brain triggered a false awakening to keep me asleep.