Expensive Beer
Semi-Lucid Dream (L1)This was my first night back in my own bed after spending two weeks in Italy, and the first dream I had was about being on holiday!
I had the feeling that I was in Spain, although I definitely spoke Italian at one point. I don't remember many details of the dream, but I do remember one section of it in detail.
I'm on my own: Yu Lee is on holiday with me, but at this particular moment she is somewhere else. I'm in the middle of a town centre and looking for somewhere to have a beer. I end up talking to a couple of other tourists and we go to a bar together, and we choose a bar that specialises in local craft beers.
The bar isn't inside a building: the actual bar and some seating are in the corner of a busy square. Also, the bar has several containers of different beers on the counter top, each of them looking like a giant cardboard carton with a tap at the bottom.
I ask the others what beer they want and they choose one, so I decided to have the same one too and order three beers. The barman fills up three glasses from one of the containers and I get my money out ready to pay.
I put my hands into my pockets, and instead of having my wallet with me I just have loads of loose change, so I get it out and spread it over the bar to count it. The weird thing is that instead of being gold and silver, most of the coins are all black. I look at them closely and realise that looking directly down at the pile of coins, the ones at the top of my vision are black, and then they fade back to being normal coin colours at the bottom of my field of vision.
At that moment, I realise that this is a "rendering bug", and that I am dreaming, but for some reason the coins aren't displaying correctly in my dream. I become lucid, and thoughts race through my head of all the things that I can do, but then I think to myself that whenever I try to fly or do anything like that, the dream always starts to fade out. I decide that I can't be bothered with that, and I allow myself to lose lucidity.
By the time the barman has come back to me I am no longer lucid. I ask him how much the bill is, and he tells me that each of the beers is €74.00! I tell him this is a rip off, and he tells me that it's clearly marked on the board. When I look at the board I can just about make out the prices but they aren't very clear.
I grab my glass and say "no thank you", and pour it into a bin behind the bar. I walk away from the bar and leave the others there.