The theme of this dream was illness.
In the first part of this dream, I'm staying at a house with several other people. One of the others is staying in the basement, and shortly after he goes down to his room I hear him being sick. I tell one of the other people in the house and he goes down to investigate. I hear them start talking and then they seem to be just hanging out.
A while later, when I see the guy who went down to check on him I ask him what happened. He tells me that the first guy was violently sick all over the concrete floor, and then they were just hanging out down there.
All I can think of is the mess, and how it will be soaking into the concrete and difficult to clean up. I can't understand why they are just leaving it there.
In the next part that I remember, Yu Lee and I are out in the city centre, doing some shopping. In the dream world, the city has two major sections: a lower section and an upper section. We take the escalator up to the higher section, and as we are arriving at the top we hear an announcement.
"All children in the upper district are being evacuated due to an illness. The illness is highly contagious and transmitted through touch. Do not touch any children in the upper district or you are likely to fall into a coma." (Or words to that effect.)
I have a bit of a moan to Yu Lee about foreigners bringing their diseases to the city as we push through the crowds of people. There are a lot of children about, and it's quite hard not to bump into them as it's so crowded, so after a while we decide to head back down and get out of the city centre.
Later, we have gotten out of the city centre and are on a busy main road (similar to East Road in Cambridge). I ask Yu Lee why we're walking this way as it's not really the way home, but she basically dodges the question and doesn't answer it.
A few minutes later we come to a large shop. I can't remember the name of the shop, but it has lots of different types of things in it for your home, like a slightly more upmarket version of Wilkinson's.
"So this is why you were taking us this way!" I say as I figure out that this was the plan all along. I never want to go in these kinds of shops, and Yu Lee tricked me into coming here!
When we enter the shop, there is an entryway with glass doors and a few items on display, and then some stairs down into the rest of the shop. In the entryway I notice a skateboard, quite a large eighties style board, and although it was probably propped up on something, it looks like someone has put it down in the middle of the floor so that someone will step on it and slip down the stairs. We step round the skateboard and head downstairs.
When we get near the bottom of the stairs there are two large stacks of clothes, mainly jeans, blocking the way forward. There is another customer at the bottom who looks puzzled as to the way out. After a couple of seconds of trying to squeeze past the piles of clothes, a store assistant comes over and moves the pile. He has a distinctly unimpressed look on his face.
Once the shop assistant has moved the clothes we push past the other customer and into the shop.