Steve's Sat Nav
For most of this dream I was with Steve Till, which is odd because he isn't someone I've ever really hung out with.
The first part of the dream that I remember was running some kind of errand with him. He had to go and pick something up in his car and he had a really weird satellite navigation system with a large screen and a mouse. While he was driving around, steering with his right hand, he was also using the mouse for his sat-nav with his left hand. I remember turning a corner and thinking "How can he steer right and move the mouse left at the same time without getting confused?"
A while later we were at his house, in his bedroom, sat on the floor doing something with some kind of computer. I can't remember exactly what we were doing but it was taking a while. The main thing I remember about his bedroom is that is wasn't particularly tidy, and there were clothes on the floor (in real life, the only time I've been in his house it was immaculate so I don't know where that came from either).
The last thing I remember is that Yu Lee was there too and was tired so he let her lay down in his bed. He left the room and I was chatting to Yu Lee, and then I was laying in the bed with her too. He came back in and I said "We should really get up now."