Leaving Work
I dreamt that I'd just quit my job to become a freelancer full time.
The day after I'd quit my job I went to Spain to stay with my dad and step mum. I got there just before lunch time, and although it was still the winter it was lovely and warm outside, and everything seemed to have a warm golden glow about it. Also, instead of living inland, my dad lived very close to the coast, only a few minutes walk from the beach.
I'd pretty much just arrived and I wanted to do something, but Dad and Sue weren't interested in doing anything. My dad suggested that I go and walk along the beach and take advantage of the nice weather. It was supposed to be my first day of freelancing, but I didn't have much work on so I thought I could spend the afternoon there if I wanted to. I started to get ready to go out, basically looking for my phone and my sandals.
As I was getting my things together I was fantasising about arriving at the beach. I was going to take a picture of my self with the sunny sky and the beach in the background, and send it to one of my work mates and say something like "My first day as a contractor," but as is often the way in my dreams, as much as I searched around the house, I couldn't find my sandals!