Bus Crash
The first part of this dream was about me and Yu Lee playing badminton. The dream world was a bit futuristic.
Me and Yu Lee got to the court we'd booked and Yu Lee realised that she had forgotten her badminton racket. We looked through a box with kit in it but there was only one decent racket left so we decided to pop back home and get another racket.
When we got home we couldn't find Yu Lee's racket and we didn't have much time so we asked Cif and Yada if we could borrow theirs. They agreed and lent us 2 rackets, and said that if we wanted to get back to the badminton court quickly we should catch the bus with them.
Me and Yu Lee were sitting upstairs at the back of the bus and Cif and Yada were sitting immediately in front of us. There was a window in the roof of the bus directly above us.
In this dream, part of the journey involved driving above a waterway. When we were approaching this bit of the journey the bus suddenly sped up for no reason. I was a little bit scared, and soon the bus reached the water. By this time it was going too fast and the bus shot off the road and into the water.
Everyone on board the bus was screaming and the bus was filling up with water. A few seconds later we were completely submerged and swam upwards and out of the (now broken) window in the roof of the bus.
Cif and Yada were at the surface now and the bus was slowly sinking further under water. I grabbed something from out of the bus as it sank out of reach. It was the badminton rackets.
I gave them back to Cif and Yada but Yu Lee was nowhere. We started swimming for the shore and I burst into tears.
After a few minutes of swimming I realised that I wouldn't be able to get to the shore. There were a number of column like structures poking out of the water, so I headed for one of those. I called out to Cif and Yada and they followed.
When I eventually reached one of the structures, I climbed out of the water and looked back. I could see sharks in the water.
Around this point I woke up. At the time I thought it was real but now I realise that it was a false awakening.
When I woke up I was crying my eyes out and I looked at Yu Lee and she was crying too. I asked her if she had the same dream and she said "yes."
I asked her where she was and she told me that she was very scared and didn't move from her seat. I told her I could have saved her but it happened too fast. This is the last thing I remember before waking up for real.