dream Dream: Thursday 06 February 2014 05:00

Google's Elevator

Tags: Yu Lee

I had a very strange dream about visiting the Google offices. We parked up in an underground car park, and Yu Lee went off to do some shopping while I looked for a way into the offices.

There were no normal exits, but there were some big, thick, heavy metal hatches in the floor that said 'exit' on them, and I saw some other people open one of them up. Inside was a strange machine with some handles on it.

I followed their lead and held onto one of handles. They told me to make sure I was holding on and then pressed a button on the top of the machine. It shot upwards at alarming speed and we were all hanging off from the handles.

The ride up seemed to take a long time, especially considering the speed of the elevator and the fact that we were hanging off, but my arms didn't feel tired. I was very scared though because we were getting quite high.

When we reached the top, a metal arm extended towards us and we had to shimmy across onto it. The whole thing was bizarre!

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