Semi-Lucid Dream (L1)I don't remember all of the details of this dream any more, but I think I remembered it pretty clearly after waking. I don't remember exactly what we were doing, but me and Yu Lee were in a city, possibly in another country, and we were looking for something. The dream had a feeling of adventure to it, and I feel like we were trying to find our way inside some kind of building.
The dream took place in the night time and it was dark all around. We were away from the main street, in some kind of alleyway or square, and it was too dark to see and find our way to our destination.
I spotted some floodlights around the square and then noticed a switch that I assumed would turn them on. I flicked the switch and all of a sudden I could see everything clearly, but it wasn't because the floodlights had switched on: it was because the whole city was gently lit. There were thick grey clouds over head, and the city was lit by low levels of sunlight shining through the clouds, as if it was an hour or so before sunset on a cloudy day.
I looked at Yu Lee and said "I think I'm dreaming. If this switch doesn't turn the lights back off I'll know for sure."
I flicked the switch again, and this time nothing happened. I was sure by this point that I was dreaming.
The next thing I did was the same thing I always do in a lucid dream: I tried to fly. This is the first time I ever remember this not working though, and I jumped off the ground a little and landed back. I was talking to Yu Lee but she had stopped replying to me. It was as if my subconscious was unable to control the dream any more since I'd become lucid, but I wasn't in control either.
I felt the dream start to become hazy but wanted to do something in the dream. The only thing I could think of was to take Yu Lee's clothes off, and she let me without responding as she was in a zombie-like state. As I started to pull off her clothes the dream faded even more until I found myself laying in my bed, trying desperately to stay in the dream world but realising that I was now fully awake.