A Hole in the Ground (in Spain)
I don't remember all of this dream, and some of the stuff I do remember is a bit vague. I remembered it several times during the day, but each time it wasn't convenient to come a write it down.
I was in Spain with Yu Lee, staying in some kind of hotel, and it was winter. I don't remember much from the beginning of the dream, but I distinctly remember Yu Lee saying something along the lines of "I actually quite like the climate: it's nice not being too cold at this time of year. I could definitely live out here."
If you know Yu Lee well enough you'll know that this would never happen in a million years!
Something weird was going on at the hotel. I'm not quite sure what it was, but it felt like a hostage situation, and I'm not 100% convinced that I was on the good-guys' side. All I know is there were a lot of people everywhere, and it seemed like some kind of disaster, with people huddled together and generally trying to cope.
The one part of the dream in the hotel that I remember is that all of a sudden the floor collapsed in the corner of one of the rooms, and there was a deep hole left behind. I think some people were standing there when it collapsed and fell in, and there was a general feeling of panic.
There was definitely something strange about this hole that appeared, and it seemed to be magical, or evil. For some reason I knew that we could achieve something by standing right at the edge of the pit and looking down, but I didn't have the guts to do it.
I remember telling Yu Lee to look after everyone while I went somewhere, meaning to make sure that other guests don't escape. I don't really remember where I went, but I remember walking around the sunny Spanish streets with the ringleader who was holding the hostages, and it felt a lot like wandering around with my dad.
When I got back to the hotel I was worried that everyone would have gone, and sure enough the place was deserted. This is the last thing I remember before waking.