In my dream I am still working at WorldPay, and for some reason the whole team has gone to Rome. I don't remember the first part of the dream very clearly, but we go to some kind of bar / restaurant.
I'm sitting at a table and Carlos is sitting next to me. I remember talking to him in Spanish whenever we were on our own and reverting back to English whenever other people are around. I don't remember everything that we talked about but I do remember talking to him about wanting to have children.
We're sitting there and drinking, and the conversation changes to the topic of drunk people. The others are saying that there is a local tradition that when someone is sick from drinking too much, they make them drink the vomit! I tell them to change the subject because it is disgusting and making me feel sick, but they carry on talking about it so I decide to go for a walk.
The streets are in really bad condition and almost look like a war zone. There are lots of areas where the pavement is missing and there are large potholes and sections with boards covering large holes in the ground. There are a lot of people around and I'm constantly having to push through the crowd.
I turn a few corners and bump into some work people. There are two sets of two or three people that have just bumped into each other, and I have met them at the same time. I stop to talk to them, and they are talking about going for a drink somewhere, but I realise that the two groups are talking to each other and not really talking to me so I move on.
I walk around for quite a while and feel slightly nervous about being on my own in a foreign country. Eventually I end up back at the restaurant where we started and sit down again next to Carlos.
After I've been sitting there for just a couple of minutes they tell me that they've eaten and are going now. I remember saying to Carlos that I thought this was a waste of time coming here for lunch and the I was happy wherever we were before.