Scary Film
I dreamt that I was watching a thriller in my bedroom.
The bedroom in my dream was not my real bedroom, and was not like anywhere I've slept before. It was a really big room, and it had a TV in it. I was with Yu Lee, and we were in bed (it was night time), watching a film.
The film made perfect sense in my dream, but now that I think about it it doesn't really make much sense at all. It started with a woman working in an office. She looks up at a spot on the wall where she normally hangs something, and whatever it was is gone and has moved to a different hook. She realises that something is wrong, and then moments later someone comes and beats her to death.
The story then goes back and starts to show the murderer's life, and how he turned into a killer.
It starts off with him hanging out with one of his friends, and for a joke they impersonate him. The killer than starts doing this kind of prank, impersonating and mocking people, until it gets a bit out of hand. He moves on to doing more violent pranks which involve beating people up whilst impersonating them, for example if his victim played golf he might dress up as a golfer, impersonate them and then beat them up with a golf club.
I can't really explain why, but the film definitely had a very sinister feel to it.
I remember two other things that happened.
At one point, Yu Lee told me the volume was too high so I got out of bed to turn it down. The TV was playing through some kind of amplifier so I turned that down, but then I realised it would be better to turn it down on the tv so that I could use the remote to turn it back up again, so I turned it back up on the amplifier and then down on the TV.
The second thing I remember doesn't really fit in with the rest of the dream. I'm not sure how this was connected to the rest of the dream, but we looked out through some patio doors (it was daytime) and there were some children playing in the garden. I went outside because I knew they were from next door, and I thought this would be an opportunity to talk to the neighbours. When I got out there one of the neighbours was in their garden but had their back to me and didn't turn round. I talked to the children for a while but then came back inside.
Back to the film, the pranks that the killer was doing were getting more and more violent, and then we see the killer going to the office building where the woman was murdered. He just starts setting up his prank when my alarm went off and woke me up.
That dream made a lot more sense at the time! I felt quite spooked when I woke up.