Me, Yu Lee and a couple of other people are sitting outside at a table. We are on a patio which has a roof over it, suspended by two metal girders which act as pillars at one end, and the house at the other end. It is a pleasant evening, and I think we are in another country.
We're sitting there talking and drinking and playing some kind of board / card game, when all of a sudden a volcano erupts on the horizon. It's quite far away, and all we can see is a massive column of smoke rising from the volcano. We comment that it might disrupt our flights the following day.
We continue with our game for a while, and the next thing I remember is looking up at another volcano erupting somewhere else on the horizon. This one is a bit closer, and is much more stunning to look at.
I tell Yu Lee to look at it just as it erupts, and from this far away you can clearly see several massive lumps of burning rock being ejected from the crater. The rocks are roughly spherical, and they are black with glowing yellow cracks.
As we watch, more and more rocks come out of the volcano, until all of a sudden a cluster of rocks come flying in our direction with one rock landing on either side of the house (but quite some distance away) and tumbling past us. I start to get scared as I realise how close they are coming, but stay and watch anyway.
The next eruption sends lots of smallish spherical rocks overhead, and a large cone shaped rock lands on its side in front of the house. It rolls towards us at great speed, and I suddenly realise it is going to crash into us. As it gets close I brace for the impact, and in the end the tip of the cone shaped part of the rock just touches the pillar holding up our roof, and by this time the rock isn't moving very quickly so it just stops.
After that the volcano blows out a massive cloud of stones, each about the size of a tennis ball, high into the sky. There must be thousands of stones this time, and it's obvious that they're going to rain down on us. We get up and run around the back of the building, but we're too late and the stones start coming down before we get there.
It feels like some kind of attack, with hundreds of impacts happening all around us.
The excitement gets the better of me and I wake up.