Bee Spider
Me and Yu Lee are doing some kind of decorating work in the porch. Yu Lee is filling with polyfiller, and I am painting (at the same time).
All of a sudden Yu Lee sees a spider running along the surface that we are filling. She sticks out her hand and lets it climb onto her finger, and I remember thinking that it was very brave of her!
I don't remember getting there, but the next thing I know we are in the front room, and Yu Lee has the spider on her hand. It is quite fat and with short, thick legs. I look at it a little bit closer and it looks exactly like a bee, but has 8 legs like a spider and no wings.
All of a sudden Yu Lee drops it and shrieks "It bit me!"
I ask if it hurt and she said that it was just a little pinch. I get a piece of card and try to pick it up but it keeps crawling off, and Yu Lee keeps on nearly standing on it which annoys me.
Next she sits on her chair at her desk, and again nearly puts her foot on it. I grab her leg and pull it to move her out of the way and she falls over with the chair on top of her, and is laying face down and not moving. I ask if she's alright, but she doesn't reply, so I crawl over towards her. When I get there she is smiling and looks fine, and I feel relieved.