Zombie Appocalypse
At some point in the dream there is a scene of a prison break. I have no idea of how this relates to the main narrative, and to be honest I may not have actually dreamt this part, but I had a memory of it during the rest of my dream.
The rest of the dream is about me and Yu Lee in a survival situation. There is a large area that is infested with zombies, and we are hiding out in a derelict house. The problem is that we have run out of supplies, and everything that we need is in the zombie infected area. I don't remember actually seeing any zombies, but we knew they were there.
From time to time Yu Lee decides that she needs to run off and get some supplies. One thing that she keeps doing is going to get the password for something, and I'm annoyed because I remember the password, but she just quickly runs off before I can say anything.
Each time that she goes I feel very scared and alone, and I'm really worried for her. I repeat over and over in my head "please come back" the whole time that she is gone.
At some point a little later in the dream, we need to go into the zombie area and get some kind of chord, and bring it back to the house. It's like an electricity cable that we need to plug in to give power to the ruins. Yu Lee returns with the chord, but the problem is that it's connected to something far from the house where the zombies are. I tell her the zombies could easily follow the chord back to us and find us.
I grab hold of the chord and give it a gentle tug. I tell Yu Lee that I can feel by the resistance on it that a zombie is holding onto it and that it's only a matter of time before they find us!
For some reason, Yu Lee decides that we need to cook some peas. She hands me a bag of frozen peas and a saucepan, and then says she's going back into the zombie area to get some water. I tell her that I don't need water to cook the peas but she's gone already.
I turn to the stove, and it is an electric stove with metal heating elements for each ring. Some of the heating elements are missing entirely, and the one I want to use is intact, but the middle section is missing, meaning there is a hole in the centre which is just bigger than the base of the pan.
I'm trying to work out how to cook the peas on the strange, broken hob when Yu Lee appears outside in the distance, looking distressed and running away from something. I look behind her in the distance and sure enough there is a figure running in her direction.
Yu Lee hides behind some rocks, but the figure advances and I can't tell if he's seen her or not. Then more figures appear and there is a group of them. I start to think that they are not moving like zombies, and Yu Lee seems to notice something at the same time. All of a sudden she stands up a beckons for me to come to her.
The group of zombies get closer, and now I can see that they are not zombies at all. I suddenly realise that they are escaped prisoners running away from jail, and I realise that Yu Lee has decided to run away with the prisoners. It looks like we have an escape plan!
At this point I woke up in my bed at 2:00am.