I don't remember a huge amount of detail about this dream.
Me and Yu Lee were in a shop, and I wanted to buy a single rectangular label to stick on something. I asked one of the girls that worked there if they had any but they didn't. I told her that I really needed one and in the end she said she would go out the back and look for one, and she might have one I could have for free.
In the meantime, Yu Lee was talking to another sales assistant, looking for something else, and she couldn't find it either. When I told her that the girl I was talking to was going to find me something out the back, she asked the sales assistant she was talking to if she could find something, and she also agreed.
A while later I had my label and Yu Lee had whatever she was looking for, and we were about to leave. I said to Yu Lee that I was going to thank the girl that helped me, and Yu Lee said she would do the same to the girl that helped her. I was annoyed that every time I did something Yu Lee seemed to copy me.