Me and Yu Lee are sitting at our desks which are side by side as in real life, although the room that they are in is not the same. Yu Lee has some white powder on her desk and I ask her what it is and she says it is heroin!
She is doing some kind of experiment with it and dissolves it in water in a beaker, and is measuring some property of it. It looks like she is trying to increase the purity or something and she is recording some data and making graphs.
At some point when she is away from her desk I take it and when she gets back she is very angry with me and we argue and she takes it back.
She is processing some images from her experiment on the computer and trying to crop them. The way that she is doing this is by going to a web page where you upload images and then download a processed version. I tell her that I think it is stupid to be uploading pictures of illegal drugs anywhere because the site will have our IP address and will easily be able to trace them back to us, but she tells me not to worry.