American Pianos
I am with my work people, going to some kind of team lunch in a restaurant. As we walk there I am having a conversation with Carlos in Spanish, but for some reason Atta keeps butting in in English. He seems to be able to understand what we are talking about as he keeps saying things that are relevant to the conversation, but I ignore him and continue the conversation with Carlos in Spanish.
The main thing I remember talking about is a piano at Carlos' house. He tells me that it is an American piano, and I ask him if he plays it or not. He says that he doesn't as it is too complicated and I ask him whether it is the keyboard that he finds complicated and he says "no". I tell him that American pianos can be more complicated because they are often electric and he says that this one is not electric. I say that they tend to be more complicated than normal pianos with lots of extra "knobs and buttons", even the wooden ones. The conversation doesn't make a lot of sense really!
When we arrive at the restaurant there is a room with a drinks fridge and everyone is looking in it to choose their drinks. I look through it and there is some lemon liquor that looks out of place. For some reason I say that I can't choose my drink until we know where we are sitting.
I wait for everyone else to stop looking at the fridge and then we all go to find a table to sit at. As soon as we sit down I say "I need a drink" and then I get back up and squeeze past everyone to go back to the drinks fridge again to choose a drink!
This is the last thing I remember before waking up.