SVG Graphics
I only really remember the very last scene of this dream, and even that is a little vague.
We are at work. We are having problems with a tool that we use (although I don't think the tool even exists in real life) and I am helping people with the problem. It seems that the tool is no longer updated and there is an incompatibility with the latest version of Ubuntu.
There are 2 version of this tool: one version is a program that runs on Ubuntu, and the other is a web based tool. As a workaround I suggest using the web based version.
I don't remember who I was helping initially, or if I was just getting it working on my PC, but once I am done I go to see Carlos and help him with his computer. Right when I'm at the last step the new DBA ends up watching me so that he can fix his computer too.
The very last problem that I have on Carlos' PC is something that is not working right on the web version. I explain that it is something to do with the way that his browser handles SVGs, and the DBA asks what the point is in SVGs anyway, and why you wouldn't just use a normal image. I ask if he wants a basic demonstration of SVG and at that moment Chris Beard hears me and says something like "Oooo I want to see what this is all about too." He comes over so now there is quite a crowd around the desk.
I think about showing them my sleep chart (the chart on this website) as that is implemented using SVG, but I decide that I don't really fancy explaining my sleep pattern to this particular group of people, so I load up the online tool that we were trying to use. I click on 'view source' and find the bit with the source for the SVG, but it is very strange and confusing and doesn't look like it should. I tell them that this is a bad example, and that I will show them my site instead as it is a lot cleaner.
I go to my site, and am just about to click through to my sleep chart when I wake up to the alarm.
Throughout the dream I have a vague recollection that nothing on the computer was working properly. Every time I would try something it would not seem to work and it would take me several attempts to get it right.