Wednesday 28 February 2024 00:45 to 08:21
(7:36 hours)
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Journey by Ship to a Strange Place
I dreamt I was on a ship, sailing somewhere far away, with a large group of people. First we could see nothing but sea, but eventually the coastline came into view. There was no vegetation at all, just bare, rocky, mountainous terrain.
As we approached our destination, buildings started to appear on the coastline, but they were unlike anything I'd ever seen. The building were made out of concrete and had very few windows, and had a very utilitarian, brutalist look about them. They were completely covering the coastline and were very large, all connected together like one giant structure. The whole thing had a very futuristic look about it, like an entire city was contained in a single large building.
We arrived at the place where we would dock - there was a small, very low entrance into the buildings, with the buildings spanning across the entrance. It was so low that we all had to go below deck so that we didn't hit the building as the ship passed underneath.
When we were inside and off of the ship, our group gathered and we made our way to an elevator. There was a discussion about what floor we needed to go to and no one seemed to actually know where we were going. I'm not quite sure what happened but somehow everyone ended up in the lift and I was left outside. When the lift went up I could somehow sense where it was and could see that it stopped on the 15th floor, despite the fact that there was a rocky wall in the way.
After the lift came back down I stepped inside and there seemed to be hundreds of floors on the control panel. I rode it to the 15th floor and stepped outside into a large, very open corridor, that reminded me of a modern shopping centre. Most of the group had dispersed but one of my companions, a woman about the same age as me, was waiting for me at the exit.
We walked together for a while, possibly trying to find the others but I'm not really sure what we were doing. We were talking as we made our way through the complex. We stopped outside a doorway and she grabbed my hand and pulled me in towards her and kissed me. I remember thinking that her lips were wet and warmer than I expected. We kissed for a while and then she held me close to her and said "I love you."
I paused for a moment thinking about how I felt, and said "I love you too."