Sleep Log

Thursday 18 July 2013 12:17 to 13:45

(1:28 hours)

Today when I came home at lunchtime there was a rucksack left leaning against my garage, next to the gate into my back garden. At the moment I am coming in through the back door as the estate agents have my keys and the side gate was open.

I had a good look around the garden and the house and actually had a bit of an adrenaline rush as I couldn't work out why the bag was there. Then when I was trying to nap I kept thinking about it, and thinking stupid things like what if it had a bomb inside or a decapitated head! Or what if it had a big bag of drugs and then I threw it away and the owner came back looking for it!

I didn't sleep very deeply and I woke up and tossed about quite a bit but I did definitely sleep. When I woke up I looked up the local police station number to ask them what I should do with it, but when I got outside it was gone.