Sleep Log

Thursday 11 July 2013 23:32 to 06:00

(6:27 hours)

Last night it took me about 20 minutes to fall asleep, and then I woke up about an hour later.

I remember waking up at 12:30am and rolling over next to Yu Lee. She was talking in her sleep and from what she was saying I realised she was dreaming about showing people around our house. She woke up and went to the toilet and so did I and then I went back to sleep and fell asleep quickly.

I woke up again at 3:00am from a horrible dream.

It was a little too early to get up although I felt like I could have got up then, but I went back to sleep again and then woke up at about 6:00am. I must have forgotten to set my alarm this morning...

dream Dream: Friday 12 July 2013 03:00


My dream had something to do with people being sick and I know at one point someone was sick in some water and then someone else drank the same water by accident and then was sick themselves. There was more to it than this and when I woke up I felt quite sick myself from seeing this.