Wednesday 10 July 2013 23:05 to 05:30
(6:24 hours)
Last night I felt tired so I went to bed a bit early and fell asleep straight away.
This morning I woke up naturally at 5:00am but instead of getting up I went back to sleep. Then I had a really weird dream.
I woke up naturally again from this dream at 5:20am, but then I went back to sleep again and woke up to my alarm at 5:30am. I had plenty of opportunities to get up so I don't know why I kept going back to sleep.

I dreamt that I was still living with my mum, and she was outside in the garden. For some reason I had been volunteered to play guitar at a talent show at work and I was practising for it, and I'd also been collecting insects for some reason.
I looked outside and Mum was frantically cutting back the plants in the garden with some guy from a couple of doors down the road, so I went outside and asked what she was doing. She told me that she'd been taking cocaine and was high! I looked around and she'd cut a hedge to next door all the way down so there was no boundary between the 2 gardens and she had generally destroyed the whole garden.