Thursday 04 July 2013 23:10 to 05:46
(6:36 hours)
Last night I went to bed just after 11:00pm and fell asleep pretty quickly. I woke up from a horrible dream at 1:30am.
When I woke up I was quite hot so I got up and went to the toilet and got some water. When I came back to bed I fell straight asleep and slept through until my alarm at 5:00am. When my alarm went off I was very tired so I went back to sleep and woke up naturally 45 minutes later, although to be honest I feel like I could have done with a bit more.

I dreamt that I was in some kind of weird restaurant where you ordered meat and had to cook it yourself in a large pan over a fire. First we were ordering normal meat, and then the stuff that we were ordering was getting weirder and weirder.
First I ordered some liver and I was cooking that, but then some of the other people decided to try some offal and they ordered a mixed selection of sheep offal. When it came out it was awful and it looked disgusting! One of the things came in a bucket and looked like a placenta!