Monday 01 July 2013 23:34 to 05:56
(6:22 hours)
Last night I fell asleep very quickly, so I guess I was tired from having such a busy day!
I had a horrible dream and woke up sweating and looked at the clock and it was 1:30am. I got up and went to the toilet and got a drink of water and came back to bed.
I woke up again from another dream (which I don't remember) at 4:50am (I think I might have woken up once in between as well). I looked at the clock and thought I might as well get up, but the next thing I remember is my alarm going of at 5:30am, and then I dozed off again until just before 6:00am.
I need to get better at getting out of bed once I am awake.

Roller Coaster
I had a dream about being on a horrible fair ground ride that was basically a very small but very steep roller coaster. I was in the back of the roller coaster, and it crept forwards up the track until it was quite high and still on a vertical bit of track. Then it stopped, and I knew it was going to go backwards, but it was just stopped for a few seconds to build suspense.
Well I was shitting myself by this time and I suppose it got to be too much because I woke up sweating and looked at the clock and it was 1:30am!