Sleep Log

Saturday 08 June 2013 13:39 to 15:10

(1:31 hours)

This morning I had a driving lesson, and when I'd got back we started cleaning out the garage. We ordered a skip so that we could get rid of our old bathroom suite and clean out all of the junk we'd accumulated.

We weren't allowed to put televisions in the skip as they count as hazardous waste, but I asked the lady from the skip company if I could put it in the skip if I broke the screen and she said this was ok, so I put in some ear plugs and threw bricks at the screen until it was broken. The glass was really thick and the brick started falling apart before the screen broke, but after about 5 or 6 attempts there was an enormous bang and broken glass went everywhere.

After we'd pretty much filled the skip we came inside and I had chicken livers for lunch which were delicious! Then I went to bed for my nap.

It took my 15 minutes to get to sleep, but once I was asleep I slept very deeply for 1.5 hours before waking up to my alarm.