Wednesday 22 May 2013 22:54 to 05:53
(6:59 hours)
Last night I went to bed at 11:00pm and fell asleep pretty much straight away. I slept through solidly until 4:00am when I woke up naturally and could have got up, but as usual I decided it was too early and went back to bed.
After that I slept through my alarms and had a weird dream.
In hindsight I probably should have gotten up at 4:00am because when I did finally get up I felt like I'd slept way too long. I doubt I will even attempt to nap today.

We were renting out a house for a few days, but the land lord had the keys to the place and kept coming in which we thought was a bit creepy. Then we went in the garden and some women were there doing gardening. We asked what they were doing and they said they had no home or money, but the landlord let them grow vegetables there in exchange for sexual favours!