Sunday 07 April 2013 00:57 to 07:01
(6:04 hours)
Last night we all played agricola and then went out for dinner at TGI Friday. It was pretty late by the time we got there, and there was an hour wait for the table, so by the time we were eating it was gone 9pm.
I had some ribs with Jack Daniels glaze and they were pretty good! They were a bit heavy though and I didn't quite manage to finish them. I had a couple of beers and we all had a cocktail afterwards.
By the time I got a chance to go to bed it was 1:00am. I slept on a futon in the spare room, and when I first saw it I thought I was in for a rough night's sleep but in the end I passed out quickly and had a good sleep.
I woke up once in the night at 2:00am, and after that I slept through until my alarm at 6:30. After the alarm went off I went back to sleep and woke up again at 7:00am.