Sunday 31 March 2013 23:39 to 05:50
(6:10 hours)
Last night we went to bed just after 11:30pm. I think it took me about 10 minutes to fall asleep, and I slept through until 4:30am when my alarm went off.
I remember turning off my alarm and thinking that I felt tired and that I should get up otherwise I would fall back to sleep. The next thing I remember was being in a vivid dream about being at work.
Eventually I woke up again at 5:50am. To be honest I think my body is still on GMT as it would be 4:50am if the clocks hadn't changed and it isn't unusual for me to get up at that time.

I remember having a vivid dream about being at work. The police called me and told me that I needed to speak to one of the managers, and when I found him he showed me a short film about cancer and then told me that his friend was dying of cancer.