Sunday 31 March 2013 00:10 to 08:48
(7:38 hours)
Wow it looks like I hibernated last night!
First of all, the sleep chart makes it look worse than it is because the clocks went forward last night, so if you count the boxes on the chart it looks like I slept an hour more than I did (although when you hover over it you can see the correct length of time which was 7.5 hours).
Secondly I feel horrible this morning! My head aches and feel like I have a bit of a hangover, even though I didn't touch any alcohol last night.
We go home from Yu Lee's mum's house pretty late and when we got in we stayed up for a little while as it's hard to come straight in and straight to bed. I slept through the night solidly and don't even remember turning my alarm off!
This morning I woke up from a dream about saving some kid's pet mouse and rat from a dustbin and having a go at him for throwing away live animals. This was about 8:00am, and I somehow went back to sleep for another 45 minutes afterwards.
I don't think I'll be napping today...

Saving Rodents from the Dustbin
This morning I woke up from a dream about saving some kid's pet mouse and rat from a dustbin and having a go at him for throwing away live animals.