Sunday 17 February 2013 00:07 to 06:00
(5:53 hours)
Last night was Yu Lee's brother's birthday so we were in London, and we ended up playing boggle until Yu Lee's mum came home around 11:30. We didn't get into bed until around midnight and it was about 10 past by the time we stopped talking and settled down to sleep.
I slept surprisingly well last night! Once I fell asleep (which took less than 5 minutes) I slept through solidly until my alarm at 6:00am when I woke up from a dream.

Birthday Beer
At the time I remember thinking that this was quite a long dream, but now I only remember fragments.
It is one of my friend's birthdays and for some reason I have to take him out for beers. We go to the pub and I order a beer and he orders two beers and immediately downs one of them. I tell him that I think we should eat first or we will get really drunk and he seems to want to get drunk quickly.
The only other thing I remember is that I had to leave the pub to do something, and when I was away I realised that I had left my tablet (computer) in the pub. I rushed back thinking that it would probably be stolen but luckily it was still on the table where I left it.