Wednesday 23 March 2016 00:04 to 08:26
(8:21 hours)
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Drug Dealer
I dreamt that I was some kind of drug dealer. I had loads of cannabis and a customer had arranged to trade some prescription medicine for some of it, so I took a big bag of weed and sat on a park bench and waited for them.
I was sitting there for a while, and then all of a sudden a package came flying over the fence. I caught it and it was a large package of pills. I grabbed the bag of weed that I had with me a threw it back over the fence and then headed home.
In my dream, I was living at my childhood home in York Avenue, but I still had the garage from my current house. I took my drugs into the garage and carefully stashed the pills in a container hidden amongst all of the tools and paint tins in my garage, and then I took the bag of weed and chucked it into a bucket underneath a wooden workbench and headed back into the house.
Some time had passed, and Tommy Faulkner was at my house when the police knocked on the door. They somehow knew that I'd been selling drugs and told me they wanted to search the garage. We headed out to the garage and the police men started searching everywhere. Tommy asked if he could help them with their search and they told him that he could, so he joined them.
He started looking through the stuff under the workbench and found the weed and immediately handed it over to the police men. Then he turned to me and said "I can't believe you just hid your weed in that bucket."