Thursday 07 January 2016 01:01 to 08:37
(7:35 hours)
(no comment)

I don't remember who I was with, but I was with 2 dream characters. It was around 6:00pm and we'd gone to someone's work to use their workshop after working hours. I felt sure that the building we were in was somewhere just off of Newmarket Road, and the building was shared with another company. We'd chose this particular day because some people in the other company were working late and could lock up after us.
I don't remember what we were making, but it was taking a long time! After what felt like a long time and well after it had gotten dark, we saw the people from the other company leave. I opened the window and shouted to them "Are you going now?" and they told me not to worry because they were coming back. Sure enough, a short while later we heard them get back.
The only part of the project that I really remember in any detail was trying to drill a hole through a stack of 1p and 2p coins. We were having trouble doing it with the pillar drill and in the end managed it by using the dremel.
Whatever it was that we were making consisted of a tube made of drilled coins, a couple of pieces of wood or metal at each end, and was supposed to have something inside the tube.
I was talking to the other dream characters who were with me in the lobby, saying that I needed something to put inside the tube, and one of the workers from the other company heard me and said that I should try using a threaded rod. I told him that I didn't have one and said that they might have one, so we went inside his part of the building to look for one. While we were looking for the rod, his friends started to pack up and he said that he didn't have time to find it as they needed to go now, and we needed to go too so that they could lock up behind us.
I gathered all of the bits of my project and headed outside. It was daytime now and I realised it was 8:00am and we'd been up all night! We got into the car and drove off.
For some reason, instead of driving home I parked in someone else's drive, and just as we were getting out of the car they came out of their house to see what we were doing. I explained that we needed somewhere to park and they said that I could leave my car there for the rest of the day.
The last thing I remember was thinking that I had to go to school, and that I would be really tired after not sleeping at all. I felt exhausted and pictured myself falling asleep in a lesson.