Friday 06 March 2015 04:45 to 09:29
(4:44 hours)
Once I'd gotten back to sleep I slept well for the rest of the night. I woke up to my alarm at 6:30am but decided to turn it off and go back to bed.
I woke up naturally at about 9:30am.

Hazard Suits
I don't remember a lot of this dream.
I was in a house with quite a few people, and we were sitting around a dining table. For some reason we were putting on hazard suits, like the kind of suits someone would wear if they were treating people with some kind of contagious disease or were working with hazard materials in a lab.
I'm not sure why, but for some reason I had to take off my trousers before I could put on the hazard suit. I was trying to do this while sitting at the table, but when I pulled down my trousers my underwear came down with them. At first I thought it was all right because no one could see under the table, but then I realised there were some children sitting under the table and I panicked and tried to quickly pull my trousers up but they were tangled around my chair.
After struggling for a minute or so I gave up and threw my hazard suit on the table. The others sitting around the table got annoyed with me and said I'd contaminated everything but I told them I couldn't get my suit on anyway.
At that point one of the children under the table started being sick, and then the other children were sick too. We all left the room while the children's parents started cleaning them up.