Saturday 24 January 2015 13:32 to 15:10
(1:37 hours)
It took me a little while to fall asleep today as I had something on my mind (something to do with work that turned out to be nothing). I think I was laying in bed for about half an hour before I fell asleep.
Once I was asleep I slept well. I woke up to my alarm from a dream, and then snoozed for another 10 minutes. After that I laid in bed for a while before getting up.
I could have easily slept a lot longer.

City on the Sea Bed
I dreamt that I was playing a computer game, and in the game the ocean had been drained of water. I was at one edge of the sea bed, at the foot of a slope which would have once lead up to the beach. In front of me was a strange city with many towers and buildings that resembled something between mushrooms, sea shells and stalagmites.
The city was made of a dark blue, stone-like material, and the sea bed was also a dark blue-grey colour. I could see far into the distance as there was nothing on the sea floor, and in the distance I could see the rocky slope of another coast line.