Sunday 18 January 2015 01:37 to 10:57
(9:20 hours)
I set my alarm for 7:00am as usual, but when it went off I felt tired and I wanted to wake up with Yu Lee, so I set my other alarm for 9:00am and went back to bed.
When the other alarm went off at 9:00am I laid there listening to it for 5 minutes, then got off and turned it off and asked Yu Lee "Shall I get back in bed?"
She made it obvious that she wanted me to get back in, so I did, and then I woke up at 10:30am and told her it was time to get up. I fell straight back to sleep and we got up at 11:00am.
I feel groggy!

Light in the Sky
I am at my mum's old house at York Avenue. We are outside in the garden, and the weather is starting to change from sunshine to rain. The rain gets heavy really quickly so we all head inside.
Once inside, we watch the weather out of the kitchen window and say that something doesn't seem quite right. Then we look up at the clouds and notice that the storm seems to be coming from one spot in the sky, and at this point there is a vortex of spinning clouds.
We watch the vortex for a while, and it seems to be growing and moving faster, and as it does so the clouds seem to thicken all around it and the rain comes down even faster. Then, all of a sudden a light appears at the centre of the vortex, growing brighter as we look at it.
After a minute or so another light appears on the other side of the sky. This time there is no vortex, and the light gets brighter and brighter until it comes out of the bottom of the cloud and into view. It looks like a unicorn made of light.
The unicorn heads towards the vortex and starts firing beams of energy into it, then the light from the vortex drops below the cloud layer and seems to be some kind of spaceship. It returns fire and the two objects battle for a while until the light from the vortex is destroyed. The vortex quickly disappears and then the clouds retreat, and the weather is bright and sunny as before. The unicorn flies off into the distance.
A while later, probably the next day, I'm standing in the hallway with my friend Mike from my school. I look in the sky and see more strange lights and tell him we should go outside and investigate. We step out into the garden and I watch the lights for a while, which this time look like sprites from an old computer game.
After a while Mike tells me that he doesn't see anything. I realise that this time I was making it up and that really there is nothing there. Mike tells me that what I saw the other day was incredible, but I can't expect to see things like that every day.