Saturday 06 December 2014 10:45 to 12:45
(2:00 hours)
At about 10:30am Yu Lee got up and I started to doze off. At 10:45am the doorbell went (Amazon delivery) and I fell asleep properly shortly afterwards.
I woke up naturally around 12:30pm but then dozed off again for a while. I woke up properly at 12:45pm and got out of bed around 10 minutes later.
In the last 12 hours I've been in bed 10.5 hours. I guess I must have been tired!

Cruise Ship
I'm on some kind of cruise ship. It's an enormous ship and feels like a city, and I'm staying with several other people. We each have our own room and share a communal area with a kitchen. It feels a lot like student accommodation.
I don't know any of the people I'm with from real life and Yu Lee is not with me. The only other person I recognise from the group is Tim Ferriss.
At one point I'd cooked some food and was eating it, and Tim comes over and asks me if he can have a taste of the fried tomato on my plate. I tell him it's not tomato but caramelised onions, but that he can have some and he goes to take some with his fork, but when he tries to take it it turns out to be a mark on the plate. I tell him that I didn't make much food because we were running out of supplies.
Most of the people in our accommodation have just left and we've got new people in, so there are people unpacking stuff and loading up the fridge and freezer. I notice when they are putting stuff away that there is still a lot of food around the place that is not mine or Tim's, so I go to investigate. There are several cardboard boxes with Abel and Cole stickers on them in the fridge and freezer, and I open one up from the freezer and it has a sausage, some asparagus (in the freezer!) and some other vegetables in it. I talk to the others about it and say we should eat the food that they've left behind and everyone agrees. I think we should group up and cook together, but I don't want to offer because I can't cook for 8 people in the tiny little kitchen.
A little while later 2 of the girls that are staying with us come back in with loads of food shopping. We talk about how expensive everything is on the ship and I ask them how much they've spent, but they say that they haven't paid for anything yet. They have gone round all of the shops on the ship and put items in their basket, and now they have to scan them all with a machine and then pay for them in one go.
I remember thinking that it must take ages to do the shopping like that.