Sunday 09 November 2014 00:41 to 06:44
(6:02 hours)
Last night we went to see Jimmy Carr in Cambridge Corn Exchange. I'd seen him on the TV a couple of times recently and not found him to be that funny, so I had quite low expectations, but the show was actually pretty good and I had a good time.
We got back home around 11:00pm and relaxed for a while before heading off to bed. I fell asleep quickly, slept solidly and woke up to the alarm at 6:30am. I then reset the alarm for 6:45am (naughty) and went back to sleep for another 15 minutes before getting up.

Army Base
I don't remember many of the details of this dream.
I was at some kind of army base on a training exercise. The thing that made this interesting, however, was that it was no normal army base, and the place had a "non-euclidean geometry". This meant that the layout didn't make sense, and you could walk down one corridor and come out somewhere completely unexpected.
The base itself was a sprawling mass of corridors and tunnels, and was obviously designed to make you confused. The main thing I remember about the base itself was that there were a lot of really tight passages and staircases which were reminiscent of the narrow stairways leading up the towers of an old church or castle.
We were split into teams and were supposed to stick together, but I can't remember what we were trying to do. There was a heavy emphasis on not getting lost or separated from your team-mates which was hard due to the nonsensical layout.
I remember talking to one of my team-mates about how they built the base, and no one could figure it out, but we thought maybe it was just a computer simulation.