Monday 22 September 2014 23:47 to 06:17
(6:29 hours)
Last night I fell asleep quickly, and woke a few times in the early morning. I remember looking at the clock and it being 4:45am, and thinking that I was awake enough to get up already.
Once I went back to sleep I slept deeply again, and when the alarm went off I was quite tired.

I felt like this was a long dream, although it was quite repetitive and not a lot really happened.
I dreamt I was hanging out with a group of people who were probably a little bit younger than me. We were hanging out in disused areas in tube stations.
One of the places that I remember most was down the stairs in a tube station, and then underneath a concrete slab. We lifted the slab and there were more stairs going down into a small concrete room that didn't seem to be used for anything.
The other guys were saying things like "We don't cause any damage and are just using a space that would go to waste otherwise," but in reality they only used a spot for a short period of time because they ended up leaving so much rubbish behind that they couldn't go there any more.